Not Just Humans, Study Confirms Dogs Also Have Sleepless Nights Due To Overthinking

Rishita Roy Chowdhury

In those not-so-rare nights when any and every possible thought spins in our heads and disrupts our sleep, we often tend to think that animals have it easy. Well, next time you have such a thought, include dogs to your self-pity circle.

According to a study published by The Royal Society scientific journal, dozing off doesn’t come easy to our four-legged furry friends either. Their mind too goes haywire thinking about their problems.

If you didn’t already know, this comes as an addition to their ability of emotional manipulation. Yet another thing we have in common with these adorable creatures.

The researchers studied the sleeping patterns of sixteen adult dogs after they had positive emotional experiences such as being caressed and called a ‘good boy’, and negative emotional experiences like being approached by a stranger.

Much like us having a hard time falling asleep being marred by our issues, dogs too had a disturbed sleep after the negative experiences. On the contrary, positive experiences resulted in a peaceful good-night’s sleep.

Sleeping on our bad experiences as a quick-fix is not just our thing, dogs do it too. The study highlighted that a negative day put them to sleep faster, just like us humans in an attempt to escape the complications life throws at us.

Rest aside, being haunted in those lonely hours of night trying to get some sleep is a task for both humans and dogs.

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