These Cute Illustrations Beautifully Portray How Having A Dog Around Is The Best Feeling Ever

Meenu Katariya

You can be a fan of dogs even without living with one. But when you eventually do, your life is never the same again.

This Instagram account features some heartwarming illustrations that every dog owner will relate to.

You don’t mind getting up way too early.

With all that love coming your way.

And loneliness, what’s that?

When you have a forever running partner.

When you have someone to travel with you.

Someone to share your feelings with…

… to accompany you to all those secret places.

A bundle of joy and happiness.

It can be annoying at times…

… but it’s equally adorable other times.

You’ll always have someone to remind you, “enough of work”.

Someone to help you in all your struggles.

Someone to make your life more chaotic.

And then to comfort you in the best possible way.

Coming back home will never be the same… with the warmest welcome awaiting you.

And leaving for work never so tough.

Soon you’ll realise that you don’t need anyone else…

… to give you happiness.

After all, you’ve found your all-weather friend…

… a companion for life.

You can see more of the artist’s work here.

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