Watch: Cow Chasing A Cart Carrying Its Unconscious Calf Shows There’s No Love Like A Mother’s Love

Arushi Lohia

There is no love quite like a mother’s love.  

And this video of an anxious cow seen chasing its two-month-old injured calf shows just that. 


According to a Dailymail report, the footage was captured in Haveri, Karnataka, where some workers picked up the injured calf on a goods vehicle after local residents informed a government-run animal hospital about it. 


The mother is seen following the cart till it reaches the hospital. 


Not just that. The cow also stayed outside the hospital for two days while its calf underwent treatment. 

Doctor Hanumanth Raju Sannaki, chief veterinary officer, said the calf’s condition was serious when it was first brought into the hospital but it’s now recovering quickly.

You can watch the video here:

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