Almost Slaughtered In An Illegal Dog Meat Trade, These Rescued Dogs Are Now Looking To Get Adopted

Aishwarya Dharni

Slaughtering dogs for consumption of their meat is illegal under Section 429 of the Indian Penal Code, and Section 11 of The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. 

Another informative bit about dog meat consumption is that the Food Safety and Standards Regulation, 2011 does not permit cats, dogs and some other animals to be slaughtered for edible consumption.

The Petition Site

However, illegal trading of dogs for their meat is not unheard of. Certain regions in the North-Eastern part of the country consider dog meat a delicacy.

On June 9th 2018, an organisation by the name of Humane Society International/India rescued 36 canines from the dog meat trade.

Dog Time (Image for representational purposes only)

These poor dogs were found in two trucks in horrible conditions. Wrapped up in gunny bags and piled up on top of one another, 12 of them succumbed to either distemper or rabies.

After that, in a first, the District Magistrate Court of Aizawl in Mizoram awarded HSI/India the custody of the remaining 24 dogs after a four-month long court battle against Aizawl’s dog meat association.

Global Citizen (Image for representational purposes only)

The poor souls were then moved to HSI/India’s partner kennels in Ahmedabad. It took a team of canine behaviourists to heal the tortured dogs to trust human beings again.

Out of the surviving 24 dogs, many of them found forever homes and families but 13 of them are still looking to be adopted.

These innocent souls come from a place of trauma and they wouldn’t have survived if it weren’t for HSI/India. They deserve love and kindness because they just have so much affection to offer.

Presently, the dogs are being sheltered at ResQ Charitable Trust in Pune but just like all of us, they deserve a family.

Bone (Male, 6 years old)

Bone is one of the oldies in the batch, but very puppy-like at heart. He would keep yelping like a pup to get your attention. Generally put, he’s a bit shy, introvert but highly reactive and cuddly towards people he knows. He’s quite friendly, but will take time to get close to people.

Dusky (Female, 4 years old)

Dusky is a super cuddly dog, who will love to stick around you and would want to employ you for giving her bum scratches all the time! She’s amazing with her focus and her eyes melt you right there!

Jack (Male, 6 years old)

He is a very gentle, composed and calm dog. He loves to be cuddled and patted. He is also very independent and confident but was quite anxious at first. However, now he doesn’t show any signs of anxiety but does get a bit anxious and nervous while facing extreme new situations. 

Julie (Female, 4 years old)

Julie is a supremely gorgeous and a no-mess dog. She has enticing almond eyes and a very naughty look. She is very friendly, affectionate and loves human company. Though she had certain levels of anxiety issues earlier, with adequate training and behavior modification, she’s turned out to be quite an independent and confident dog.

Lucy (Female, 3 years old)

Lucy is a very pretty, charming and gentle dog. She is quite active and energetic, and is very playful. She loves to please people and would do whatever to be around you all the time.  

Luna (Female, 4.5 years old)

Luna won’t sit idle and neither let you sit idle. She is super cheerful and very bubbly. Though quite independent and confident, she does get submissive at times, hence will need a very neutral handler and not someone with a very loud body language.

Maggie (Female, 4 years old)

Maggie is an extremely loveable and affectionate dog. She’s also a very happy-go-lucky dog, who is quite independent and has a calm temperament. Her bunny-like ears and curled tail gives her a cute look that would capture anyone’s attention. She isn’t too vocal unless she has some solid talk to do with you, and can also be left alone for a few hours during the day if her meal and playtimes have been taken care of.

Max (Male, 4 years old)

Highly vocal, when he needs attention and actually calls you with “wov-wov” tones! He has had a major transformation from being a very skinny, hairless dog to a loveable, cuddle bug! He is a bit anxious, and will take time to warm up to new people. So, the family would need to pay attention to how he meets new people, and is not too overwhelmed. Once he knows a person, he’s quite affectionate, and jumps to get attention and love.

Michael (Male, 6 years old)

Michael is a very gentle, composed and calm dog. He is quite a cuddle bug, who’ll keep asking for scratches here and there. He is quite social and loves getting attention from people. Generally put, he’s a bit anxious and nervous to face extreme new situations. 

Rani (Female, 3 years old)

Rani is extremely adorable and loves to be pampered all the time. She’s quite friendly and affectionate, and has a stable temperament. With normal walks and bit of running around freely, she is good to go. She is fascinated by human company, hence it would be nice that she has an attachment figure, or is not left alone for longer hours.

Rosy (Female, 2.5 years old)

Rosy is always hopping around with her tongue sticking out (even when she’s asleep!). If you feel there’s no one to pamper you, then Rosy is the one you take home! She loves to keep kissing and licking, and will give you endless cuddles.

Sophiya (Female, 4 years old)

She has very beautiful eyes and an enchanting personality. She is extremely agile and very energetic. She’s a happy, hyperactive dog, but slightly submissive in new situations/around new people. 

Sweety (Female, 3 years old)

She’s a happy, hyperactive dog, but slightly fearful in new situations. If you want a dog who just wouldn’t lie down for longer, then Sweety is the one you’re looking for! Her eyes have the power of letting you fall in love with her in the first instant!

If you or anyone you know wants to adopt these sweethearts, please feel free to send a WhatsApp message at +917674922044 (HSI India) or give a call at +91880566777 (ResQ)

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