External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj visited Iran on Friday and Saturday, during which she met top Iranian government representatives. But a photo of the meeting that her ministry uploaded on Twitter has created a massive storm.
Before you see the photo in question, a look at how the visit unfolded:
A confident and beaming Swaraj leaves for the diplomatic tour
She lands in Iran’s capital Tehran on Friday
She is greeted by officials
She meets her Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif and Irani President Hassan Rouhan. And thenall hell breaks loose
This photo of Swaraj, her head covered, almost instantly attracted strong, angry reactions. From her earlier images, it appears that Swaraj had wrapped a pink shawl over her head, but people decided it was a rida – a coloured hijab – that she was wearing.
Some Twitterati were completely unforgiving and slammed Swaraj
Others pointed out it might not be a hijab in the first place
She is wearing a saree only..
Only has covered her head.. Not wearing hijab.. @Moskvaa @SushmaSwaraj https://t.co/4PJEnCzDC2— मार्ग-दर्शक ट्वीटर (@tweetw_ala) April 17, 2016