Recently, after a racially hateful meme ridiculing NCAA basketball player Darsh Singh surfaced on social media, the internet rallied together to support the young athlete and condemn the ignorance.
The racist meme referred to Singh as Muhammed.
The meme first surfaced referring to Singh as Muhammed, an ‘explosive’ player sparking a number of different campaigns against the haters.
Singh’s friend’s Facebook post defending the athlete got over 13,000 shares.
One of Singh’s friends, Greg Worthington, posted on Facebook defending him and shedding light on the religious ignorance. Eventually sparking off an viral revolution against the racists.
Let me tell you why this shit isn’t funny. I know this guy and his name’s not ‘Muhammad.’ He’s not Arab, he’s Punjabi….
Posted by Greg Worthington on Saturday, December 5, 2015
Singh is the first turbaned NCAA player.
In his post, Worthington mentioned how Singh had made American history by being the first turbaned sikh player in the NCAA for the Trinity University in San Antonio. Singh was also part of US intelligence having worked with the National Security Agency, and now works with managing financial portfolios and hedge funds.

Following this the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center have put his jersey on display.
The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center included Singh’s jersey as part of their ‘Beyond Bollywood’ exhibition alongside promoting the #BeLikeDarsh hashtags on Twitter that went viral.