In a shocking incident that seems right out of a Tarantino movie, a man in Madhya Pradesh was buried alive under a newly constructed road. NDTV reported that the tragic accident came to light, when villagers spotted the 45-year-old man’s shirt sticking out from beneath the road.
The villagers came out in anger and targeted road workers in protest to the careless act, as they dug out Latori Lal’s body from the road. It seemed that Latori was drunk when he fell into the pit, which was later filled with tar. A road roller leveled the road and Latori was buried alive beneath it, while no one even noticed him.
Latori and his wife left home after having a fight, but while he came back alone at 8 pm, his wife could not find him upon returning home. While searching for him, villagers spotted is shirt stuck in the road, revealing the spine chilling accident.
A compensation has been announced for Latori’s family as authorities have arrested a driver and a road worker.