Jammu and Kashmir Independent Legislator Engineer Rashid, who had hosted a beef party in MLA hostel Srinagar in protest of the beef ban order in J&K; , has become the second victim of black ink attack barely two weeks after Shiv Sena activists stained Sudheendra Kulkarni in Mumbai for organizing the launch of former Pakistan foreign minister Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri’s book.
The incident took place at Press Club in New Delhi on Monday, October 19, when three men set upon him and threw black ink on him. He was accompanied by the family members of the two people lynched in Udhampur, of which one of the victims succumbed to his burns in New Delhi on Sunday, October 18, NDTV reported.
“People talk of Talibanisation of Pakistan, look what is happening in India… They are mentally ill. 80,000 people have died in Kashmir, putting ink on one Engineer Rashid will not change anything,” Rashid told reporters after the attack.
India Today reported a right-wing group Hindu Sena has claimed responsibility of the attack.
Delhi Police has detained two persons in connection with the ink attack on Rashid, TV reports said.
This is the second attack on Rashid after he hosted a beef party in MLA hostel in Srinagar on October 7 against the J&K; High Court’s order of implementing beef ban in the Muslim majority Jammu and Kashmir.
Rashid was attacked and beaten up by BJP MLAs in the Jammu and Kashmir State Assembly the following day drawing condemnation from J&K; Chief Minister Mufti Mohammad Sayeed and a walk-out by the Opposition National Conference.
However, Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Nirmal Singh of BJP on the directions of CM Sayeed had condemned the incident but had stopped short of apologising for the attack.
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