In a much bizarre incident of theft in Tamil Nadu’s Madurai, more than 46,476 eggs stored for distribution under mid-day meals scheme in government schools were stolen from the premises of Rajapalayam Panchayat Union Office, The Hindu reports.
According to the reports, the crime came to light when the computer assistant, Desingu, went to the godown on the morning of Tuesday, July 7. He found the lock of the godown broken open and all the eggs missing.
Commissioner of Rajapalayam Panchayat Union, A. Vanathi has filed a complaint with the police.
In her complaint, Vanathi said that a total of 41,642 eggs were brought from Namakkal on Monday, July 6 and were stocked in the godown where already, 4,834 eggs were stored.
The Rajapalayam (South) police are investigating the case.
We need to get eggspector Daya on the case. Gotta find out who moved the eggs, and where did they go?