The Karnataka High Court on Monday, May 11 morning, passed a verdict that brought a smile on every AIADMK worker’s face. J Jayalalithaa, better known as Amma in Tamil Nadu, ruled the state as chief minister till she had to step down from her post last year. She has now been acquitted in the disproportionate assets case by the HC.

The matriarch who is set to return to her state and resume her post as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, is quite the popular figure. Jayalalithaa has many brands that endorse her.

And you’d be surprised at the sheer range of products:

1. Water is the elixir of life, especially when it comes from the mother.

Source: The Hindu

2. Amma Canteen, for those who want cheap but hearty meals

Source: The Hindu

3. An early morning wake up call from the mother, with some tea

Source: Malayalam OneIndia

4. If you have tasted the salt of the land…

Source: The Hindu Business Line

5. When bored, Amma will come to the rescue


6. She will provide you first aid, and some more

Source: The Hindu

7. A mother always gives shelter

Source: The Hindu

8. She wants her children in schools

Source: dna

9. Food from the mother

Source: Newsminute

10. Amma or Jaya, she still has some cin-amma left in her

Source: Livemint

We hope the people of Tamil Nadu are happy at their mother’s return. As for Jaya, we wonder what we’ll see her endorse next!