Love him or hate him, but you can’t deny the fact that Lalu Yadav has a huge fan following thanks to his quirky sense of humour. And at a recent rally in Motihari, Lalu met his biggest fan (quite literally).

It so happened, that while he was having a cup of tea, Lalu observed that the fan was hanging rather dangerously.

Times Now

He immediately brought this to the notice of the authorities lest it fell on somebody and even suggested that ‘bijli kaat do’ .

Times Now

But no sooner had he informed the authorities than the fan came crashing down on him knocking his cup of tea.

Times Now

Whew! That was a close shave! Lalu ended up hurting his hand.

I’m pretty sure Lalu will stay away from fans for some time now.

Check out the video right here.