A family road trip can be a fun, sane yet highly insane experience. Road trips with family are the best time to bond and learn about each other’s interests. Or they can be an ordeal that could make you want to scream every time someone asks “Are we there yet?”Here are some customary things that an Indian family does on a road trip.
1. Dhaabas
A road-trip with family would be incomplete without a stop-over at a road-side dhaaba and generous helpings of mouth-watering aaloo ka parantha with chai/dahi or dal makhni and shaahi paneer .

2. Pee Stops
Although we all make sure that we empty our bladders before starting the trip, the car stops every now and then because someone pipes up, ” susu aa raha hai!”
Does this remind you of anything, ladies?

3. Play family ‘friendly’ games
Who hasn’t played Antakshri , Atlas and Charades with their families while travelling. Sibling rivalry reaches its peak if they’re in different teams.

4. Listen to music
And once we are bored and tired of singing songs, we listen to our favourites on our head-phones or on the music system . More often than not, there’s just a single album in the car and by the end of the trip, everyone knows all the songs by heart.

5. Sleep
Everybody loves to sleep. Some sleep as soon as they board the car, while some sleep halfway through as they are taking in the scenery.
6. Stop at random places to click pictures
“Wow, this tree is so beautiful. Mummy, photo k heenchte hain naa !”

7. Fight
Fights and arguments are a given on road trips with family, whether they’re over changing seats or because Dad wants the kids to keep quiet kyunki “kabhi toh shaant raha karo !”
8. Ghar Ka Khaana
Our mothers are so worried that we might cry of hungry on the way that they wake up early to make some paranthas and bread-butter for us to eat. Sometimes, we open our dabbas in our favourite dhaabas .

9. Buying things
“Mummy, dekho bhutta, mere ko khaana hai !”