Last week, we shared a photograph of 9-year-old Daniel Cabrera, a Filipino kid, doing his homework on the pavement using the faint light from a nearby McDonald’s outlet .

The photograph went viral all over the world and as it turns out, Daniel’s family has been flooded with financial aid in the form of cash donations, school supplies and a college scholarship.
His mother, Christina Espinosa, who juggles two jobs – a grocery store employee and a domestic help – is over the moon.

“We’re overjoyed. I don’t know what I will do with all of these blessings,” said the 42-year-old Christina to AFP.
“Now, Daniel will not have to suffer just to finish his studies. He always tells me: ‘Mama, I don’t want to stay poor. I want to reach my dreams’.”

Thanks to the photograph and the response it has generated, young Dani will be able to realize his dream of becoming a policeman.

Like we said in our post last week: hard work always pays off. Always!
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