Long distance relationships can be really, really hard to maintain. But guess what, it’s just another challenge and you will make it through! Pro tip: instead of thinking about the distance as a disadvantage, think of it as the USP of your relationship. Think up all the things that you can do, now that you are away from each other. Before you know it, you’ll have a whole new avenue to conquer together!

1. Skype is your best friend.

When the distance gets too hard on the minds, use your laptops for some nayansukh prapti.

2. There are websites that will let you watch movies together!

Try websites like Watch2gether or TogetherTube to get your videos in sync.

3. Keep up a healthy exchange of mails and messages.

Being in the know about each other’s lives goes a long way in building trust.

4. On that note, write out a bunch of letters for your partner to read when he/she misses you the most.

Bonus points for handwritten notes!

5. Put courier service to good use.

Always exciting to get packages from your loved one! More so when the contents of the box are ahem exciting!

6. Shop together – online.

Online shopping is a godsend gift for long distance couples. Share links and pictures, and shop together. Trust me, retail therapy works long distance too.

7. Take an online course together.

Hey, online courses are MEANT for people living in different parts of the world. This has your names written all over it.

8. Be each other’s tourist guide.

Everyone loves getting to know about a new place. Explore your partner’s city through their eyes!

9. Surprise each other with pictures once in a while.

Put your smartphones to good use, and send each other pictures. Hint: surprises are a huge turn on.

10. Discover the joys of erotica together.

Pick up a copy of Anais Nin’s Delta of Venus (for starters), and a pencil. Mark all your favourite portions in the book. You could even scribble little notes along the margins. Once you’re done, mail the book to your partner for an extremely personal and sexy read.

11. Use the distance to shed your inhibitions.

Some things are easier to discuss when you’re snuggled up inside your blanket fort with a tub of ice cream. Open up about all the things you couldn’t share with your partner face to face. You’ll learn a lot about each other and be way closer when you meet.

12. Ordering food for your partner is the simplest way to cheer them up.

“Hey love, I can’t be with you tonight but here’s a pizza to make up for your sucky day.”

13. Share your love through an app.

Use apps to feel a little closer to each other. Apps like Couple , Intimate and Avocado let you use your smartphone to share small tactile moments together.

14. Remember your time together with little DIYs.

A friend of mine used to make origami flowers every time she spoke to her boyfriend on phone. By the end of the semester, she had a beautiful display to remind her of the times they spent together.

15. Send your partner t-shirts that smell of you.

This might sound strange, but it works. Wear a clean t-shirt to sleep for a night, and send it over to your partner. Each one of us releases a unique “odourprint” through pheromones that our partners can actually pick out. Hugging your partner’s t-shirt to sleep will actually make you feel like you’re together. Hi5 science!

16. Exchange chores for a day.

Sort out your partner’s presentation for a day. Let your partner read up for your assignment. You get perspective into each other’s lives, and work gets done too!

17. Plan trips together.

They may work out, they may not work out. But the prospect of meeting sometime soon is an instant pick-me-up.

18. Doodle together.

Interactive websites like Doodletoo let you share a white board with your partner and doodle together in real time!

19. Follow YouTube channels together.

Shared interests+new things to talk about = WIN!

20. Share your wildest fantasies.

Use your time apart as a build up to your time together. Sharing your wildest fantasies is a great way to keep things steamy while you’re away from each other, and will almost always translate into fun times when you’re together!

21. Play truth or strip on video calls.

Take full advantage of your video calls. After all, it’s the one thing you can’t always do at home!

22. Play multi-player games online.

Not all the time you spend together has to be spent talking.

23. Stargaze together.

The wonderful thing about a phone conversation is that it can happen anywhere (well, almost!). Whip out your phone, find a quiet little place in the open and spend time together looking at the great blue sky.

24. Pick out cafes you want to visit together.

Get on Zomato and find interesting places in each other’s cities that you’ll eat at when you’re together. You’ll figure out each other’s tastes in the process!

25. Pay a surprise visit to your partner.

That feeling when you see each other!

Nothing teaches you to be creative in your relationship like a long distance relationship does. Trust me, your relationship will be permanently more interesting thanks to this phase. Good luck!