Slim fit jeans, straight pleated trousers, baggy pyjamas, all of us have different preferences when it comes to “our” form of comfortable clothing. But wait, have you tried the lungi yet? No? Please do, because your preference might just change. There’s nothing that can beat the lungi . Yeah, you heard me right. The lungi , that Rohit Shetty so conveniently ridiculed in Chennai Express, is actually one of the most comfortable piece of clothing. If you still don’t believe me, read on.
1. Good air conditioning guaranteed.

2. In case of an emergency (nature’s call), you don’t waste crucial seconds unzipping.
Because there’s no zipper.

3. While zipping back, there’s no risk of slicing anything either.

4. It saves you time when you have a sudden urge of lust.

5. Best piece of clothing for an upset stomach.

6. Ideal for crossing water-logged streets. Just lift and wade through. Drop the lungi once you’re done.

7. The lungi can double up as a bed sheet.

8. It can be worn by man and his wife alike. Ek kapda do badan.

9. You don’t have to worry about the fitting. Just buy and wrap.

10. It’s easy to wash and dry.

11. It’s cheap as compared to jeans, trousers and the like.

12. Space taken up by 1 pair of jeans = approximately 3 lungis . You can stack more lungis than jeans in your bag.

13. When you don’t have any sleeves to roll up, lifting the lungi can be the perfect war cry.

14. Running, jumping, stretching, aerobics… everything’s easy peasy.

15. You won’t even have to worry about your pocket being picked.

So, why not be comfortable when you can? Give the lungi a try.
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