Despite being born to a famous Bollywood producer, Arjun Kapoor never planned to take up acting as a career. But all of us are aware of his journey, from being the plump boy of the family  to a completely transformed stud. He is witty, sexy, sassy and the heartthrob of all the girls. From a simple looking guy to a yummilicious brat, this is just how Arjun Kapoor rolls..

1. If this smile greeted me every morning, I would never be late for work!

2. I think my eyeballs just popped out!

3. Okay, I was wrong. Now my eyeballs have popped out!

4. That’s what I call a perfect ‘mug’shot!

5. Move over James Bond. We’ve got a new alpha male in town!

6. Bad boys! Bad boys! What you gonna do when they come for you?

7. If he can steal the spotlight from Ranveer, it does make him a real charmer!

8. Sorry Sonam! But I’ve said a thousand prayers to take the spot you’re in.

9. I think I just went blind from too much hotness!

10. Every woman loves a guy who’s good with children!

11. This boy in blue has got my vote!

12. Rough, tough and mischievous!

13. Meet the Indian Wolverine!

14. Even in casuals this man looks so sophisticated!

15. My pick for the best selfie ever!

16. The thinking man.

17. While most heroes put their feet in their mouth, this guy has a different take!

18. * Faint*

19. Marry me now.

“Want to know what Arjun Kapoor is upto these days? Go to and see it for yourself.”

This article is sponsored by Philips Trimmer.