The trailer of Randeep Hooda and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan starrer, Sarbjit, is out and heart-wrenching would be an understatement. The film is based on Sarbjit Singh’s life who was falsely convicted as a terrorist in Pakistan and kept behind bars for 23 years. The movie shows the struggle of his sister who went through tremendous hardships to get him released.
Randeep Hooda plays the lead and does a pretty good job. Aishwarya plays Dalbir Kaur, Sarbjit’s sister, and we must say, we are pretty impressed. This is perhaps the most de-glam avatar she’s donned but her performance will not let you take your eyes off her. The film also stars Richa Chadda who plays Sarbjit’s wife.
Watch the trailer here:
Source: T-Series