A resident of Bhayandar, Mumbai and first-time flyer Vinod Kumar, was made to pay a fine of Rs. 200 after he was caught smoking a beedi inside an Indigo aircraft’s washroom, reports Mid Day.
IndiGo flight 6E 183 was about to land in Mumbai on Wednesday morning, when Kumar reportedly went to the toilet and lit a beedi using a matchbox. After the crew caught wind of it, he was reminded that it’s a punishable offence.
As per the Mid-Day report, security officials handed him over to the airport police station after the aircraft landed in Mumbai.
The airport police officials claimed that since he was a first time flyer, he was unaware about the rules.
An IndiGo spokesperson issued a statement saying,
“An unruly incident was reported on 6E-183 on Wednesday when a passenger was observed smoking (due to smoke alarm detectors) inside the lavatory while the aircraft was descending. On noticing this violation, the crew on-board immediately alerted the Captain who further escalated this to the ground staff. In interest of safety of other passengers on-board, the crew briefed this passenger about the policy prohibiting smoking on board, thereafter issuing a warning to the passenger. After landing at the Mumbai airport, this matter was thoroughly investigated by the local police station. An FIR was filed against this offence,”
An FIR was registered against Kumar under Section 336 of IPC (endangering life or personal safety of others) and section 25 of Aircraft Act 1937 (Smoking in aircraft).
(Feature Image Source: PTI)